Saturday, July 19, 2008

Couples in Conflict ....... books to help you both through to a new joint beginning

We all decide on our partner because of the feelings we have when we are aound them, the positive way they deal with life, and many many other reasons.
These are generally good attributes that we like, the way he or she dances, the travel plane you have, the way 'i' feel treated, and the way we act when with each other.

Over time parts of our lives get between couples the presure of work, the distance between where we live (for one reason or another), children, family, and some times 'ourselves'.
When 'Love' is present all is well, cracks appear but are repaired, by both parties, some items are brushed over, somethings are not important, but often it is the 'small things' that destroy a relationship like 'things not said' or the information is 'NOT' told.
We all have had the 'I wonder if' situation..... do we ask 'where were you?' and take the risk of showing we don't trust? or even possibly worse 'well yes I was with ...... (whoever) and so what thats my business' comes back at you.

All these situations..... oh and many more variations are what causes conflict in couples relationships.

I've put some web pages together that has many books that can help you all through these situations... do have a look (and tell your mates to have a look as well) at Couples in Conflict
and browse through these helpful books.

Some books I've found specifically useful

Ten Stupid Things Couples Do to Mess Up Their Relationships

We CAN work it out

Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work

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